The office and
the medical center

The ENT officeDr Pierre LAVAGNA, Catherine SCHOSSELER AndHélène BARANTON is located in the heart of the Fontvieille district of Monaco, within the International Medical Center of Monaco, which brings together otolaryngologists, ophthalmologists, sports doctors, a neurologist, an orthoptist and a clinical psychologist.
The center is close to the Louis II stadium car parks and the Fontvieille shopping center. It is also a five-minute walk from the west exit of Monaco SNCF train station or the Place d'Armes bus stop on the Nice-Monaco-Menton line.
The equipement
Our office counts with equipment for ENT pathology investigations that measures up to university clinic standards.
Microscope for consultations; nasal, sinus, ear, pharynx and larynx video-endoscopy
Audiometry, multifrequency admittance meter, Auditory evoked potential, vestibular evoked myogenic potential, induced otoacoustic emissions, acoustic distortion products, videonystagmography.
Mechanical chair for the treatment of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo.
If necessary, further investigation will be conducted in his service at the Monaco Princess Grace Hospital
Computerized stabilometry on EQUITEST platform
Video Head Impulse Test (VHIT) - exploration of vestibular functions using high frequency video device
Video oculography
Reception Desk

Our quadrilingual assistant (French, English, Spanish and Portuguese) welcomes patients, manages medical files and carries out audiometric tests.